Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Narration does Kill me.

Ok, let me tell you, the opening and closing narration is horrible, I just hate her voice, it bothers me.

What did we learn tonight?Meredith plays with toys, and is a selfish child. Meanwhile, Kerev is an ass after Izzie sex, and I do not like Callie and Hahn, not one bit at all. She is Meredith needy, and, Callie is just experimenting, so, she is going to break her heart. I can just tell. But, it's good to know Hahn is gay, and really really needy. I mean, Callie is banging Sloan pretty quickly afterward, maybe she is bi, it just seems awful. By the way, when I say meredith needy, I mean needy in the sense that she is about to cut a girl open, and is way way too focused on the Chief liking her. See, needy.

I like the Journeyman returning, although, the senseless slaughter of pigs, that seemed awful. Good thing they ran that clip, letting us know they were fake, or, at least, fake enough. It was interesting that Izzie was in no way interested, and, I wonder how competitve being a surgeon is, cause, wanting to slaughter pigs, that seems odd. He has a great chemistry with Yang, really really great, andI am glad they are giving her someone strong to flirt with.

The surgeries on this show just dont entertain me. let's be honest, this show is Chicago Hope, with a bitchy lead, and well, the surgeries on that show, were way way more entertaining. I also don't see any growth this year, at all, with this show. Izzie is going nowhere, McBitchy is still a bitch, kerev's a whore, George is awkward, and no way does taking out every organ in a girl ever work.



Best line of the night "I don't reject you George" Who said it? Meredith. It's the best line of the night, because, guess why, she did reject him. HORRIBLY. It was awful. She had sad sex with him, and booted his ass.

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Catch up of the Ex List!

This is the BIG catch up.

Ok, two episodes, one post, we will try.

This begins the morning of Day 12, with Bella on the Beach, going home, getting Robbed, and running into Ronnie the Cop. 353 days till she is single forever. Guess what, in the past, Ronnie was a pot head, and Stella in high school is a LOT prettier than Stella now. I want to know who plays this chick, way way cuter in the past.

Side note, I have seen pictures of McWife in the past, and she was cute, but is way hotter now. Isn't it odd how some of us get better looking, like me and McWife, and others do not. Oh, Ronnie makes a comment about her looking 16 today, NOT true, way cuter in the past.

The same day, Bella goes stalking cop hang outs, and her sister makes a really funny comment about sausage. Then, she sits and stares at her phone for along time, to not call. By this point, I am confident in saying this is the next day, because they are BACK on the beach, and wearing different swim suits. 13 days down, 352 to go! Later that night, the cop calls, and Bella sneaks out to see him, just like old times. They go to dinner, and make out.

The next morning, that is 14 days down, 351 to go, Bella is back at work, wanting to nail Ronnie, I am hopeful she won't sleep with him. Lots of crappy stuff goes on that day, and, that night, they end up in an airplane hanger. She sleeps over, and is sneaking home the next morning, which, guess what? Means we have 15 days down, and 350 to go. (No word on the Sex). But, I am noticting that they are being clever about not disclosing too many days to us. Ronnie pulls his badge out too much, and, Bella doesn't like him abusing power to help her. DUMB.

The next morning, 16 days down, 349 to go, Bella is happy she broke up with the Cop, and so is her dad, she is wearing a yellow tank (important to see if the next ep begins on the same day)

NEW EP!, they are back on the beach, so, they get the benefit of the doubt that its the same day, just evening surf, not morning surf. Anyway, Bella sees Shane, a guy she met in Mexico, who is a surfer dude, and who sucks. In what I am calling the LONGEST day ever, because I get no sense of night at all, Bella runs back into surfer dude, who is not over being stranded in Mexico.

Somehow, all of these bastards never work, go to bars, and never ever ever do anthing responsible. Its awful. They go out all the time, never work. But, as it turns out, the Surfer dude, is all a marketing act, which makes him much much more interesting.

I am calling a next day, because this one has gone on way too long. 17 down, 348 to go!
Bella and surfer dude are at some party together, and he is trying to be somewhat sensitive to her. The next morning, they are out surfing, no word on if the actually had sex, but, they seem to have spent the night together. So, we are now at 18 down, 347 to go.

Shane and Bella surf all day, and for that, she really is getting to know his softer side. I am kind of pulling for this guy, and, if the show doesn't get a full season, I think he should be the one. Anyway, awkwardness happens that day, because Bella is only concered with herself. Anyway, we get to see her friends in bed that night, so, the next morning is 19 down, 346 to go.

That ends it! All caught up!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Guy That Works Out WAY too much.

God, so, this guy, Jake Turner, has a lot of issues. i will say, he clearly was getting to hit a hot Bella back in grad school, when she had the fun hair, and a clothing taste that I completely admire. Also, in grad school, she apparently liked to go to concerts, and go out and party, and dressed super awesome. I would have liked Bella Bloom in grad school, hell, that skirt she had on killed.

But, overall, Bella is an unlikeable adult, pretty much. I mean, her friends seem cool, which is now the oddest development in television, the fact that you cast a main character, who, all in all, is not that great person, but have fun friends that are clearly more entertaining than she is. (See Grey's Anatomy, Ghost Whisperer, hell, even look back at Joan of Arcadia).

The most entertaning part of this episode was, of course, the googling of exes, which, not only does EVERYONE do, but with the advent of facebook, is even easier now. So, good for the show for having writers that at least are up with the times, now, they just need to make their lead character, more likeable.

The last episode ended with Day 6, with 359 days to go before she ain't getting married, ever.

Because this episode begins in the morning, and, after she had decided to keep high school boy's cat, and knew he was out of town, we will, for argument's sake, say this episode begins on Day 7.

So, on Day 7, she goes to see the race, and have brunch with her friends, misses her sister's odd aerobics class, and, good old Jake creeps on by the flower shop. I cannot get a read on whether they did the mountain bike date on this day, or the next day. But given the mountain bike timing, and the fact that it is still light out, the whole time they are gone (remember, Bella's already had a long day 7) I have to think that Mountain Bike date was on the next morning.

On Day 8, this is Mountain Bike date, and we start by getting a great Brave and the Bold, comic book reference, and Jake is way way way too touchy with Bella. God, it is odd. But, after the bike ride, they go to the beach for the co worker beach date, Bella comes home and catches her sister about ready to bang her fiance, and they make a ridiculous "no sex till marriage" pledge. (Waiting for your wedding day is fine, and commendable, however, when you do it all the time, stopping, is just dumb). The day ends with Jake and Bella agreeing to "get together tomorrow" before work.

On the morning of Day 9, they are kayaking, and Jake is totally into his own shit. Bella goes rock climbing with him mid day, and makes plans for that same night. SERIOUSLY, Bella, don't make same day plans. It is too desperate, and, you JUST reconnected with this guy 2 days ago, when he threw shit at you. Honestly, it is ok to stay at home at night, and not be doing stuff with him all the time. Bella and Jake go to a bar, play trivia, and have sex. She has now had sex with two different guys in the same week, while trying to find her high school boyfriend, whose cat she has. Bella, is a bit easy, and to quote her sister, is a bit of a tramp.

Then, day 10 comes around, and Bella is unsure as to how she going to proceed. The two go and rock climb some more, blah blah blah, he shows up at work, gets one more chance, which I guess is the same night (odd planning). AND internal inconsistency, earlier, Jake said trivia was once a week, now, it is every night. Jake tells of his ex, which is his boss, and Bella freaks..

Bella is outside with all her friends, on the 11th day (no one is working today, it must be a weekend), and, that night, Bella is checking out the list, which, has to mean, that the next episode will start on the morning of day 12, which means 353 more days, until Bella Bloom is forever alone.

I just don't know where they are going.

I am trying to figure out what message this show is trying to send with the flooding analogy. First off, I don't get it. I just don't get what dramatic theme was kicking around the writer's room, when someone said "What if the place flooded, on the second floor, and as a result, someone found pancreatic cancer super early?"

Dumb luck?

Who knows. What we did learn this week was that McBitchy is STILL freaking out about living with McDreamy. And, here is my issue, she went up on the cliff, and did the candles thing, so that Derek would know she was serious, yet, it somehow seems odd to her that Derek wants to JUST live with her, and not everyone else. Sad.

Also, I am not digging the needy Izzie. First off, living with Kerev? The way he has been acting lately, seems to come out of nowhere. I know they are trying to get the season moving fast, but, this seemed very heavy handed and forced, and, I mean, we still don't have a real resolution to George and Izzie. They are no longer together, because it was awkward and strange, but, will they talk about it? Are they just never mentioning it again? What the hell?

Lexie, my favorite sexy intern was, as McSteamy said this week, quite pathetic. I mean, god, just tell George you think his dopey face is awesome, and get over it. George is a huge whore like Meredith, he will bang you.

For those George defenders out there, remember, he's had McBitchy (who hasn't at this point?), he's had Izzie, he's had Callie, and he's had Nurse Olivia. George is a Meredith level whore, and the fact that Lexie, as cute as she is, would even have to try to bed him, who, bizzare.

Finally, the Chief was off this week too. I know he's freaking the fuck out about his hospital dropping (i.e. PLUMETTING) in the ranks, but not even listening to our sage of all things Dr. Bailey, just is dumb.

Dr. Bailey is always right, just LISTEN to her.


Meredith was crazy this week, but not bitchy. That sucks, I want her drunk, bitchy, and sleeping around, that's the Meredith Grey I love.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


God, we have found a show with a lead character who may be as selfish, and whoreish, as McBitchy herself, Meredith Grey.

God, Bella Bloom? Her of being a crazy to Alex on Grey's fame, is the lead here, and, well, she is nutty and fun, so, she could be our new meredith.

"You Need to Marry WITHIN THE YEAR or you'll spend the rest of your life alone"

While I dig vapid selfishness, I don't see this show lasting, why? The above quote.

So, while I will comment on this show, every week, we have to follow the timeline, just for fun.

Day 1: Bella meets the Psychic, so, she has to be MARRIED within a year, and has only 364 days to actually get hitched.

Day 2: Bella goes back to the Psychic, sees the ad for Johnny Freaking Diamont, and begins her hunt, that night, she hears BITCH, a great song.

Day 3: We hear about Bella's horrible mole, and, like Meredith Grey, she freaks out over nothing. (side note, McWife commented that it could cancer, and, sadly, that is completely overlooked, could have been a good educational moment).

Day 4: Johnny and Bella the Whore wake up in bed together, and Johnny begins to go a little nuts. Presumably, the same day (we will give the show the benefit of the doubt here) she has the fight with him when he is trying to leave for rehearsal. We will also assume that the same night, they are in the bath tub together.

Day 5: They wake up, in bed together, at Bella's house, that night, she hears that Revenge is stronger than love, and that she will DIE ALONE.

Day 6: Bella is talking to her sister, at the house, and, there you go, one episode down, and she only has 359 days to convince one of her ex's to marry her, and apparently, some guy from high school is the next big step!

I mean, I love the big fuck you song at the end, and I really want to buy it on itunes, very very badly.