Friday, September 28, 2007

The Morning After Edition

So, I have had a good 12 hours at this point to collect my thoughts on last nights episode, and try, my best, to boil down McBitchy, and how she behaved last night.

I can honestly understand how she would be confused at the beginning of this episode. She grew up with no relationship with her father, and he has this whole other family, and she never knew them, and they never knew her, and all she had was her mom. Her mom suffers from a terrible illness, and she was there to care for her, when no one else was. That is hard. Then, upbeat, and adorable, Lexie shows up, and McDreamy does clearly make eyes at Lexie in an effort to at least make Meredith a bit jealous. I get that, I get all of that, but, it still doesn't justify Meredith going all silent on her.

I was also willing to admit that after the scene with George and Lexie, that Meredith's look could be read two ways, but, there is absolutely no excuse for whiny comment number 1 "I'm the girl from the bar." and the silent walk away in the end.

Lexie, twice, twice tried to reach out to her at the hospital. The first time, was a clear emergency situation, so I cannot fault Meredith for focusing on her work, but the second time, Meredith did not just walk away without saying a word, instead, she walked away, with McDreamy, to be both territorial, needlessly cold. Why not say "Lexie, I know you wan to talk, and I want to as well, but I just can't yet." Or "Lexie, I have McDreamy issues to deal with." Instead, she walks off and says nothing, to go and have breakup sex with McDreamy.

Side note, do all hospitals seemingly have this much sex in the workplace? I mean for reals, I have a sister who is an ER nurse, and I don't think she has experienced anything like the constant hook ups that are this show. Like, WHOA.

So, I will write what I believe about Meredith Grey, when given two choices, one, being the hard but right one, and the other, being the easy, instantly gratifying one, she always takes choice B.


Thank god Dr. Who is on tonight, we get to see more of The Master.

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